Witt’s Custom Saddlery has been making top quality, custom made saddles, tack for working ranchers and cowboys for over 20 years. We are real Montana people, in a real Montana saddle shop, making real working western saddles,tack, and custom chaps of all kinds.We also make a full line of pack saddles and related equipment. If you’re not a horseperson, but just like the long lasting style of Western design leather, we also make personal leather goods, such as western belts, handmade leather purses, custom briefcases and other business accessories. Contact us for your needs-we welcome special orders.Check out our online stores at www.montanasaddles.net and our Ebay store WCS Handmade Leathergoods
Sam and Buckwheat, near the top of the Red Lodge Plateau, 8 miles from the trailhead, “modeling” some of our equipment. |